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Lotus Book Club | Eva review

Here at Lotus, we love sharing recommendations on everything from healthy recipes, weekend hiking trails, surf spots, podcasts and books. With the realisation we all enjoy reading books focused on strong, influential females, Miya started up the Lotus Book Club earlier this year.


For our September meetup we read ‘Educated’ written by Tara Westover and met at Daisy’s house in Coogee to discuss the book and of course eat copious amounts of cheese.


Educated is a memoir about a young girl who, kept out of school, leaves her survivalist family and goes on to earn a PHD from Cambridge University. The book encapsulates the challenges and triumphs of how family, religion, education and love, shape an individual.


The story of the Westover’s is just one of many who lived through a recession, in economic hardship, with limited education, and mental health issues. We felt the main message communicated in the novel is that education and opportunities are a privilege that shouldn’t be taken for granted.


An interesting, and at times confronting read, I would recommend this book to anyone interested in viewing life from a different perspective.

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20 May, 2024
At Lotus People, we believe in taking steps – not just in our recruitment efforts, but also in making a difference in the community. On May 10th, some members of our team took on a big challenge of walking 46kms in one day for Stepping Stone House, an organisation dedicated to reducing youth homelessness rates in Australia. With every step, we aimed to raise awareness and funds for the growing number of young people experiencing homelessness in the country. The statistics are staggering, nearly 46,000 individuals under the age of 25 are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness. Stepping Stone House works tirelessly to provide essential care, accommodation, and development opportunities to these vulnerable youth – and for over 6 years, we at Lotus People have proudly supported their cause, recognising the importance of this mission. To show support, our team took part in the Step by Step May challenge by walking a total of 46kms in 10 hours, taking over 57,000 steps. But our commitment didn’t stop at walking – we also set a fundraising goal of $4,000 as a team, for a profound impact. It can provide essential school supplies for eight young people for an entire year or cover 47 weeks of groceries for a young person in residential care. Every dollar goes towards Stepping Stone House’s goal of eliminating youth homelessness in Australia. We extend our gratitude to Stepping Stone House for their mission, as well as to everyone who supported our team on this journey, whether through donations, words of encouragement, or simply by spreading the word about the challenge! Your support makes a real difference in the lives of vulnerable young people, offering them hope and opportunity where it’s needed most. And for those who still wish to get involved, it’s not too late! Step by Step: The 46km Challenge continues throughout May, offering everyone the chance to make a difference in their own way. You can also help us reach out goal by clicking below. Together, let’s continue to step up to help those in need!
18 Apr, 2024
We were thrilled to partner with JobAdder for our latest event, aimed at empowering professionals within our network to tackle the challenges in 2024, head-on. We hosted our network of HR, Talent and Leadership professionals at the fabulous eSpaces in Brisbane. On the expert panel was Kate Drew (Arnold), Chief People Officer at Madison Group Enterprise; Graham Moody, Chief People Officer at JobAdder; Nicola Young, Head of People APAC and Japan at Cognizant; and moderated by our very own CEO and Co-Founder of Lotus People, Sinead Connolly. We were extremely grateful to have these industry experts share their knowledge and insights with the audience on several core topics shaping the current market. We’ve recapped the key insights shared by our panel below.
20 Mar, 2024
The employment market is continuously changing, so understanding the drivers and motivators influencing an employee or candidate is paramount for businesses striving to attract and retain talent. Recent findings from our market insights survey shed light on the shifting priorities shaping the current job market, showing results that vary from the top candidate drivers of 2023. According to our survey results, the top five drivers and motivators for employees and jobseekers in today's market are as follows: Compensation/Salary Package - 64.7% Company Culture and Values - 47% Professional Growth and Personal Development Opportunities - 45.1% Remote and Hybrid Working Policies - 39.8% Work-Life Balance - 38.7% What's particularly noteworthy is the subtle yet significant shift in priorities compared to the data from 2023. Whilst compensation has always been a key motivation for candidates, its importance has notably increased, emerging as the top priority for most employees and jobseekers. Equally significant is the emphasis placed on company culture and values, which have risen to become the second most influential factor driving employment decisions. This shift highlights the increasing importance individuals place on aligning with an organisation that shares their values, vision, and ethos. In today's competitive job market, candidates seek more than just a paycheck; they crave a sense of belonging and purpose within their workplace community. On the other hand, whilst remote and hybrid working policies remain important considerations, their ranking has slightly decreased compared to the previous year. This trend suggests that whilst flexibility in work arrangements remains desirable, it may no longer be the primary driving factor for many candidates, as we have long emerged from the days of pandemic. The findings from our market insights survey highlight a fundamental truth: the landscape of candidate and employee preferences is continually evolving. Employers must adapt their recruitment and retention strategies to align with these shifting priorities, placing greater emphasis on competitive compensation, fostering a positive company culture, and providing ample opportunities for professional growth and development. As businesses navigate the complexities of effective recruitment and employee management, understanding and responding to the evolving needs and desires of the market will be essential in attracting and retaining talent and fostering long-term organisational success. As we move forward in 2024, it's imperative for businesses to prioritise not only meeting but exceeding the expectations of their workforce, creating environments where individuals feel valued, supported, and empowered to thrive. By staying attuned to the evolving landscape of candidate drivers and motivators, organisations can position themselves as employers of choice in an increasingly competitive marketplace. If you’re interested in learning more about our survey findings, download a copy of our Market Insights report below!
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