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Stepping Stone House

Here at Lotus People, we are big believers in going above and beyond our day to day to support worthy charities and causes. 2019 saw us officially partner with Stepping Stone House, a charity providing accommodation and development for young people.

So far, we have supported the charity in a number of ways, but this March saw the commencement of the carefully organised career development program between Lotus People and Stepping Stone House. This composes of a mentoring program, workshops and supporting the young people in their career search.

Each Lotus team member is mentoring one young person each from Stepping Stone House in order to learn valuable skills around resume writing, job seeking, interview techniques and workplace etiquette.

With the mentees coming from difficult backgrounds of homelessness and domestic violence, we are so proud of the positive steps they have taken in the program thus far.

Sham Hassan has made great progress with her mentee, J. Through finding out his strengths and passions, Sham has been able to motivate and coach J on his resume and interview techniques. After only two months in the program, J secured his own work placement, which is a huge achievement!

The feedback on the program so far has been extremely positive;
‘Lotus Recruitment have played a vital role in the development of the Careers Program at Stepping Stone House. By assisting the youth of Stepping Stone House to identify vocations and careers that are in line with their values and interests, Lotus provide invaluable support to find jobs they are both interested and passionate about… Lotus offers access to a dedicated careers advisors for each youth, helping to build both confidence and trust in a reliable adult who can provide support and advice. The end goal of this program is to give young people a greater chance of earning potential to help break the cycle of homelessness and disadvantage.’- Diane, Stepping Stone House

The Careers Program is just one of the many ways Stepping Stone House assists youths in need. As well as providing accommodation, Stepping Stone guides their young people through a range of life skills programs from cooking, finance control and learning to drive. Stepping Stone relies heavily on donations to run these programs, which is why Lotus has decided to run the City to Surf this year to raise funds!

We are hoping to raise $1000 to assist the amazing team at Stepping Stone House. Please head to https://give.everydayhero.com/au/lotus-people to donate and keep an eye on our social media pages for updates on our running training!

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